Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Everyone's getting ready for Tottenham Carnival

Come along to the official press launch and find out what's happening on the day and how you can get involved!

Over 60,000 people last year...

People's World Carnival Band -some of its younger members at the Carnival last year with the Mayor of Haringey Cllr Sheik Thompson

The Carnival Parade Bouncy Castles Latin Stage and Dancing

Youth Entertainment Sound System - Spurs sponsored fun - events for kids and old folk

- promotion opportunities in the Business Village and much more...

But what's happening on the Main Stage?

Starts 6pm sharp Thursday 24th April, at the Platinum Banqueting Suite, The Black Boy Hotel, 268 West Green Road.

RSVP info@tottenhamcarnival.co.uk 020 8801 4824


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