Friday, March 4, 2011

Bruce Castle Museum Celebrates Tottenham's Industrial Genius

Heavy Metal Thunder

Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space: the Prestwich Motortank, not currently on display

If you don't already make it to Bruce Castle Museum for Family Funday Sundays or Memory Museday Tuesdays why not buddy up and check out the newly acquired and beautifully plinthed 1937 J.A. Prestwich motor bike - recently unveiled at an official ceremony by David Lammy MP.

Tottenham's John Alfred Prestwich (1874-1952) was an ingenius heavy metalist inventor who crafted all things metal from bikes and chainsaws to film projectors and aeroplanes. Starting out in his back yard at number 1 Lansdowne Road he moved his centre of operations to Northumberland Park from where he commanded a vast empire of thousands of staff who produced engines for the whole world.

If you want to find out more go here or drop by the Museum for some lovely good cheer


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